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Our DNA Is Much More Amazing Than We Thought

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Our DNA Is Much More Amazing Than We Thought Empty Our DNA Is Much More Amazing Than We Thought

Post  Master Drifter Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:45 pm

It lists three experiments that prove the amazing properties of our DNA.

This is all quoted from someone on a different forum.

Experiment 1)

Poponin (Author of The DNA Phantom Effect) www(dot)
and Peter Gariav designed their pioneering experiment to test the behaviour of DNA on light particles (photons). They created a vacuum in a specially designed tube (photons still remain), the scientists then measured the photons and discovered that the photons were everywhere in no particular pattern they were everywhere simultaneously.
Next samples of DNA were placed in the tube with the photons.
The photons then changed their location and adopted a particular pattern, even once the DNA was removed the photons remained as if the DNA were still there. Proving that DNA does have a direct effect on photons.

Experiment 2) In a 1993 study reported in Advances journal said the Army performed experiments to determine precisely whether the emotion/DNA conection continues following a separation, and if so at what distances?
The researchers started by collecting a swab of tissue/DNA from a volunteers mouth.
The sample was isolated and taken to another room in the building, where they began to investigate a phenomenon that modern science says souldnt exist.
In a specially designed chamber the DNA was measured electrically to see if it responded to the emotions of the person it came from , the donor was in a room several hundred feet away. In this room the subject was shown a series of video images designed to induce states of emotion in his body While he was doing this his DNA measured for its response. Although the donor was hundreds of feet from the DNA sample the DNA responded and acted as if it was physically connected to the body!
Dr Cleve Backster (www(dot) )
designed this experiment for the Army. He said the Army continued this experiment moving the subject further and further away from the DNA and the results stayed the same ther DNA and the subject were still connected - even measuring responcss with an atomic clock- proved that there was no time lapse and that the emotions given out and the DNA responded simultaneously!

Experiment 3)

In 1991 the Institute of HeartMath (www(dot) ) was formed for exploring the power that human feelings have over the body and the role those feelings play in our world. One of the most significant findings reported by HeartMath is the documentation of the doughnut shaped field of energy that surrounds the heart and extends beyond the body.

Knowing this field exists they went on to conduct further experiments between 1992 and '95 and began by isolating human DNA in a beaker and then exposing it to a powerful form of feeling known as coherant emotion.
They performed a series of tests involving up to 5 people trained in applying coherant emotion.
Using special techniques they analysed the DNA both chemically and visually, the results were undeniable and the implications unmistakable.....Human Emotion changed the shape of the DNA without physially touching it or doing anything other than creating precise feelings in their bodies!

We've been conditioned to believe that the state of DNA in our bodies is a given. Contemporary thinking suggests that it is a fixed quantity - "we get what we get" when we are born- and with the exception of drugs, chemicals and electrical fields, our DNA doesnt change in response to anything that we can do in our lives. But these three experiments alone show us that nothing could be further from the truth!

Master Drifter

Posts : 120
Join date : 2012-01-12

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